

EEQA supports the concept that periodic evaluation entered into voluntarily by institutions and their peers enhances the quality of the educational process and demonstrates that self-regulation of a profession is superior to outside regulation. 

To help institutions and peer evaluators meet their responsibilities in conducting the process, EEQA has developed and periodically has revised a set of policies, procedures, and standards governing the activity. Whether seeking new accreditation or wishing to renew, institutions must be in compliance with these criteria in order to receive EEQA accreditation. These criteria incorporate all changes agreed to by the institutions-as well as organizational modifications-since the last published edition.

Embodied in these criteria is EEQA’ belief that accredited institutions should at all times demonstrate a high standard of professional conduct involving educational practices and business ethics. Accreditation is not a regulatory process in the legal sense. More than simple conformity to standards, the Council encourages a continuous striving for excellence. Only those institutions that subscribe to this tenet should seek accreditation.
